Went out with my friends to Bugis on Wed.
ya...i spent all my money man! poor me alrdy!xD
Bought Jay's new album and Super junior live album!
Also, bought a t-shirt 4 $8.
I alrdy spent abt $40 alrdy!
As it was still early, we went to catch a movie.
guess wat? High School Musical 3 of course!
It was funny as there was Zac Efron fan sitted beside us!
LOL xD She screamed when she saw Zac Efron on the screen!
Crazy fan of his xDDDDD
Can't wait to catch the nxt movie - twlight x)
Today, is my rest day. gona b a coach potato xD
ya. tats all! JA~
OYA! HAPPY HALLOWEEN! wahahahahahahaha m'_'m