i was probably to tired and lazy, xDD
so gona post this week!
This week was pretty special,
had my last sports day in hyss X)
yea i told'cha i gona run rite?
My 1st and last sport event, yea...
I ran and it wasn't tat smooth...
I slipped and fell xDD thankfully, didnt drop the batton.
yea great tat we completed to race! GOT FIRST!(frm the bck xD)
Well, i was glad still, 1st time running 100m on the track in my life X)
and my medal frm gettin '1st',- experience x)
went makan after tat @ MOF.
So the followin day was normal sch,
weird tat sports day was on a wednesday =S
yea got sun burnt on my face(looks as if i was blushin)
bck at sch, ppl moaning, face all kuna sunburnt! XDD
Zu said some looked lik baboon's butt xDDDD haha
Had to stay at sch till 4.30pm, freakin hot weather.
Stuffed in the classroom, wishin for a single gust of the damn wind xD
Went home and it rained -_-
Today, was the best! Perfect weather for the perfect day x)
The weather was cool, rainy x) and its FRIDAY! xDDD
my optimum temperature!!
(yea, I only can study under the optimum condition lik the enzyme X)
Tats all folks!
Check this out!
my new target and motivation.

Quote to share:
Studying is a game,
it's not for fame,
but for the fun of learning X)