Yea nobody ask me out(either redcamp or working),
stuck at home with my comp
& manage to do this puzzle dawn gave me X)
Yea, then Dip and Alisa came to my house to catch a movie
teach Dip some basic guitar
and found an interesting dance class at orchard
The next day went out with XJ to find a bloody job
Sick of it man, so boring one.
Go in say politely: "Hi, is there any job avaliable"
They then giv us a form to fill in, then say wait for call.
Dun noe go how many shop liao.
Ai, forget it la. I wan to enjoy my holiday.
Mum keep asking me go find a freakin job.
Yea find liao, no job available yet ma, so can do WAT?! XD
I find it funny ppl working after stdying for Os.
Dude, nid a break, man! But also no $$ la.
Thought after Os have freedom of goin out but, all working, busy!!
(sry do mind my lang, I'm abit direct)
So thats all for this week! ^^