No school, have to stay at home do elearning, moodle!
Moodle Homework have alot sia!
Also, today, have maths sup -_-
Before maths sup, my friends n I decided to meet up at JEC.
We went to take neo n eat jap food! YuM YuM!
Then we go 'pusa malam'!
We saw this KAWAIII Hello kitty store n decided to take a look!
Want we are leaving, we ACCIDENTALLY drop a bottle frm the table!
Opps!The straw came off but heng, didnt broke.
We were about to pick it up when...
This OBASAN came shouting at us!(duno y she shout la like we death lik tat)
Some more, the thing drop spoil, is the quality not good not us la!
Then,tat OBASAN lik dun respect use lik tat,she put bck the bottle
EVEN WORST, she throw a litter IN FRONT OF US!!!
WA LAU EH! 什么态度!(wat attidude!)
lol XD i very angry lor!
Anyway,This is probably my longest post!
Nxt week sch reopen, will have a wonderful time!
Ja Ne!
Quote to share:
"Anyone can start today and make a new ending."
I saw this a Wuchun blog and it is very meaningful=)
Love the bear alot. I noe it is call me to you bear but i call it Obaka bear.