Yay! 1/8 of my dream is completed =)
After lesson...
WA! my right hand muscle very pain sia!
I was thinkin...if continue playing the guitar, then the hand muscle will grow...
wa MUSCULAR huh? lol xD
The lesson was quite good learned some basics =)
Hope I can excel in my guitar skills :)
Oya! My friend told me to do this quiz...common seen one ppls blog rite?
lol...No choice la...hv to do lor...
1) If your lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be?
- Hmm...depands lor betray in wat way...
of course will be upset and angry lor
2) If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
- To have many many wishes that will come true!
Then,can wish more more lol xD
3) What are your plans for these holidays?
- Chiong ALL my homeworks and PLAY HARD! xD
4) Are you confused of what lies ahead of you?
- Nope! Well, I always make myself think positive la
5) What's your ideal lover like?
- Huh? Y got such question 1? lol xD
My answer very simple: I lik can le! hahaha
6) Which is more blessed , loving someone or being loved by someone?
- Both! (very difficult to explain...)
7) How long do you intend to wait for someone when he/she is late?
- Depands la. I will call/sms him/her then c lor.
8) If the person you secretly liked is already attached , what would you do?
- Wish them all the best! =) (aiyo! then can do wat? lol xD)
9) Is there anything that made you happy these days?
- Wa! ALOT sia! let me name some... MUSIC! MY Doggies! Myself! alot alot more...
10) Is being tagged fun?
- Fun? I think is satisfying ba. Being tagged shows that the person had visited ur blog...
11) How do you see yourself in ten years time?
- I think i see myself the same way...I wont be blind ba!(jkjk)
I probably will still be the same lor. How can u predict the future?
12) Who are currently most important people to you?
- Family, friends, My Doggies & the people tat make my life colourful!
13)Do you prefer being single or attached?
- Single! I now jus only 13+! wat to u expect? lol xD
For now, hv to study ba, later then think abt this...
14) Would you rather to be a single & rich or married but poor?
- Single but rich! of course la! So I can buy things for people and myself...
15) What's the first thing you do every morning?
- -_- weird question...I will look blur and brush my teeth la!
16) What is the thing you look forward to the most now?
- GO OUT N PLAY! hvnt been goin out this few weeks!
17) If you fall in love with two person simultaneously, who would you pick?
- Er? can i noe who set these questions? WEIRD~ Depends la...didnt experience such thing...HOW I NOE???!
18) If you're angry, what would you do?
- Keep it to myself and on my favourite music to cool me down.
19) Do you have a pet?
- Yes, I have 3 dogs recently...LOVE THEM LOTS! They are lik a family member to me.
20) If there is a choice which country you would be born in where would you want?
- Hmmm...Singapore, Taiwan or Japan. Singapore very safe and secure but too stress... Taiwan is a place of music less stress but hv natural disasters... Japan is a world of technology and hv alot of kawaii things studyin also less stress but hv natural disasters...
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