Today is my fav day, it hv my fav sub on tat day! ARTS n MUSIC!! WOOTS!
oya! gona tell u abt my music lesson today!
ok...I n some of my friends, reached the IT resourse room the 1st!
(we aren't Kaisu,jus we were kinda late alrdy)
When we got in...WOAH SEY! The com dam cool de!(classical WHITE, HIGH TECH!)
The com screen BIGGER than my head sia! LOL xD
We were wanting to on the com but...
Everyone was to on how to on???
We were lik the 1st them using technology(Jas was lik dun lik tat leh!very PS!LOL)
The answer was behind the com head! (so cool la)
& nt to forget HangZhou briefing!!!
ya...jus leaving only 2 more weeks!2 MORE WEEKS ONLY!!!
Can't wait for the day to come.
Nxt week, i will be telling u abt my HangZhou schedule!
so, stay tuned!
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