here to continue my HangZhou trip post.
After going to Shanghai, we went to Suzhou then to HangZhou!
There was once, we had this dinner on a dragon ship.
The sad thing was, it was not moving -_-...
This is how dinner looked like.
We went to alot of restaurants, all serve about the same thing.
Wat was always the same was, we had to drink Sprite, Coke every meal.
Drink until sian liao~
The nxt day, we went to Jian Lan Middle School.
We met our buddys and my buddy brought me around the school.
Their school starts at 8am and end at 4.30pm (if me, i cant tarhan!
This are the photos i took at the school! ___________________The gift for Jian Lan Middle School...
____________________The Handmade Ships at the art room
_____________________ Guess wat am i standing on?
_______ Its a handmade electrical robot car. It can move when step on. (COOL!)
________________________The music room
After 3 days learning at Jian Lan Middle School,
We goto stay at their house for a night.
I stayed at Sihui's buddy house with Sihui.
It was fun...we chat throughout the night.
The siteseeing was facinating!
All of us had fun and at the same time, learnt lots of chinese culture!
Also, not to forget, SHOPPING!
lol xD
There was this street of shops.
All of us bargain our way down! Woots! FUN!
The tour guide said that girls are better at bargaining than guys!
We all disagreed!
The guyz bought lots of stuff than us!
They were killing price better than the girls! lol xD
One memorable day was, we went to this weird street.
Everyone was dressed like the olden days and selling stuff on the street.
Also, the show tat was shown there was fascinating!
Everyone jaws dropped will watching the show!
The special effects were better than singapore's!
After 4days at Hangzhou, we head back to Shanghai for more SHOPPING!
lol xD we bought lots of stuff from the big bookstore.
I bought a Super Junior album, 2 doremon comic book and 2 anime drawing book!
guess wat? i spent $22 sing dollars on so much things!
Wish i could hv bought more...
our teachers even bought us "sky of love" novels!
It was totally nice to read man!
The nxt day, we head bck to singapore on a SQ833.
When we went bck to sch, everyone was saying...
"Lets go bck to HangZhou again this December with the same batch of ppl!"
ya...after the trip we became more united.
Hope we can go there and hv FUN again!
I'll write till here! JA~
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