This week sch lor, then? xD
But this week duno y i very happy n relax.
Probably i think too much on the bright side,
But the feeling is kinda great. NO WORRIES. x)
Anyway this week reading the twlight series, NEW MOON.
ya, u probably say tat y now then read NEW MOON?
Cauz at first i read abit during holidays n bck to sch kinda busy.
Lost track of the story so read again lor,
cauz lik i said, recently very 'high'n relax.
Yesterday maths lesson was a HILARIOUS LESSON!
WAHAHAHAA...the whole class 'bully' Mr Lee.
why? cauz he forget bring maths binomal test paper. XDDD
We all wanted him to get the paper frm stuff room but he too lazy.
So everyone kept persuading him go get(esp Sandy) XDDDDD
damn funny, laugh lik nvr laugh before la.(u can ask any 3e2ians)
anyway,i m stuck, duno wat to write liao...
BTW, dun say my blog DEAD OK! its ALIVE n KICKING!
I m blogin once a week, lik a weekly journal.
I dun wana blog everyday cauz very mafan n
no kopo ppl will check n tag everyday rite?
OYA! lastly i gona advertise my music blog.
If u luv kpop,jpop, chinese or english songs,
check it out! its TYSM!
Quote to share
Life is always a cycle.
My life is similar to the above comic haha xDD
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