The holidays are here! wahaaha XDD
Didnt blog yesterday as i was out with my mum.
Went to orchard, bought some shorts,
couldnt find any ts i wanted.
Then saw the 'VIPs' cars dash across orchard
to suntec for the APEC conference. xDD
Had a whole day out and came bck with an aching leg x)
oh ya! Recently was influenced by 'Ouch' and 'breadmonster'
in watching 'Hitman Reborn' it was kinda nice,
but...the number of episode to catch up was a horror!
(200++ Episodes!!! =O)
It was funny (esp Lambo! xDD that baby cow)
Nxt week have to go for sports extravaganza! so sian -_-
but kayaking so should be ok la x)
My target is to chiong all my homework
and go play lik siao by nxt week! wahahaha XDD
Cant wait for 'Twilight saga: New Moon' to come!
so tats all for this week! An-yong!~
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