Christmas is comin!
Yea...So fast huh?
Soon is Happy New Year.
Arg...the earth jus revolves too fast!=.=
Cant we have a longer holiday? lol xD
So back to school soon =.=
I wander wats so happy abt a New year?!...
Anyway,this week been stayin at home,
doin wat?
cleaning up my rooms.
Throw away the old ones to make space for new stuff.
yea felt sad throwin some old stuff away.
I guess its no choice or else my hs would turn into a garage.
(yea then there will be a garage sale xDD)
Changed my music box over there> (ipod cool huh?)x)
had to changed due to mixpod system...
yea added some songs too so do check it out.
So tats all for this week! Anyong~!
Quote to share:
Its better to be hated for who you are
than to be loved for who you are not.
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