Yea, mon lessons sux
just here to get my attendance marked.
all the lecturer do is go for tutorial and now no teachin' le.
yea, n ive completed my work so here to blog x)
so these few weeks pretty busy on projects and stuff
so didnt got the feel to blog =X
Oh, and SUJU is in town for MAMA~!!!
Can't wait to catch them on tues!
yea of course, SUJU probably won alot of awards cauz anything is possible with ELFs
So updates on these few weeks,
send my dog to have a haircut cauz mum was complaining that her fur was all over the place
so before that, I took a photo =)

She is super photogenic!
Even smile at camera xD
haha, anyway i duno wat to write further...
probably have a short post now,
shall post if hv any interestin' stuff x)
JA~ Annyeong~
Check this out!
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