Sec 3 very busy lor,
filled with subjects and activities.
nt the same lik lower sec liao.
Cant really slack much x(
(doesnt mean i slack alot in the past hor) xD
Trying to make myself less stress and live a happy life.
I think everyone have to live happily and enjoy life.
Cauz we nvr noe when we are nt around, cherish every moment.
This week,there are bad happenings and good happenings.
Well, nt only this week in my life.
I jus found out recently.
However, it has been occuring all along, in OUR lives.
Jus that we dont realise cauz we r all busy doing something.
Quote of the Week,
Life is sometimes unfair,sometimes fair.
There are bad times and good times.
Overall, Life is neutral.
Its just the way of how u look at it x)
Have u been looking at the sky?
These are the photographs i took,
________________Nice right? clear BLUE sky with fluffy white clouds
________________Took this at 6.30am love the blue-ness in the sky x)
_______________This rainbow, i took it a few weeks ago after it rained
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