Fly Fly Fly (snoopy face very bored, jus lik mine) xD
Living in a week of March!
Nxt week holiday liao but i verrrrrrrry busy sia.haiyo!
YFC the whole week la...
Time 4 nicer news,
Yesterday attended the Motivation Workshop.
Damn Fantastic la...
At first we thought tat workshop ar,
Boring la, talk talk only la, must y dun go...
But i went, damn worth the money lor!
It was very very interesting, nt to mention,
I learnt alot of stuff from it.
It was a workshop tat i really need(motivate me to study)
haha xDD
Wish it was a 3 day course, too sad only one day...
Wish to attend it again lol xDD
Another breaking news is...
SUPER JUNIOR 3rd album is OUT!!
i want to buy lor, but must w8.
Below are a few fan-made videos on SuJu new songs.
Cant w8 4 the MVs.
SuJu-Sorry Sorry
SuJu-Heartquake Feat.Micky n Yunho
*These are only a few of them, i will post all the songs frm their album when they are on stay tuned to my MUSIC blog x)
Quote of the week,
Its not about how you are,
Its about how you wana be. x)
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